Episode #168: For People Who Hate Social Media, How to Use It To Scale Your Business with Bianca Sprague, Founder of Bebo Mia

Raise your hand if you hate being on social media but know it’s a necessary evil to grow your business? Whether this is you or not you won’t want to miss this epiose with Bianca Sprague, Founder of Bebo Mia. Bianca shares how to optimally use social media so you don’t have to be constanly on it day in a day out. She shares how you can grow your business using the old fashion method of networking that still works. We talk about the trap of social media.
The trap of un-boundaried entrepreneurial schedules. The trap of lacking time blocks to name a few. Tune in to hear it all!

Episode #163: Unlocking Grant Secrets for Your Business or for Purchasing Real Estate with Stormi Banks, Founder and CEO of Pink Print

On this week’s episode we take a deep dive into using grants to launch your business. There are some amazing opportunities out there to not only help your business but also for real estate opportunities. Stormi shares how to find grants and how to stand out when applying so that you can get free money for your business. You won’t want to miss it.

Episode #162: Building a $130 Million Real Estate Portfolio with Kids and Women in Real Estate Trends with Liz Faircloth, Co-founder of InvestHer

Check out this week’s episode with the amazing Liz Faircloth. She shares how she built $130 million real estate portfolio, steps you can take in today’s market, and why women need to get involved in real estate. Her story and outlook on life provides so many gems for women movers and shakers. Her goal is to inspire as many women as she can to build wealth via real estate. You won’t want to miss it.

Episode #160: Going from $30k in debt to $250k net worth on an average annual salary of $56k with Nicole Stanley, Founder of Arise Financial Coaching

Check out this week’s episode with Nicole Stanley, Founder of Arie Financial Coaching. She shares how she went from went from 30K in debt to building her family of four’s net worth to over a quarter-million dollars at 27. No inheritance or shortcuts just automating and living in reality instead of an ideal financial goal. Listen in to the steps she took to cut expenses and increase her income and change her life.

Episode #159: The Hidden Costs of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and How To Determine if You Have it So You Can Save with Christina Walsh Co-Founder of Tighten Your Tinkler

Join us this week as Christina Walsh Co-Founder of Tighten Your Tinkler as she shares what pelvic dysfunction is, idenitfy if you have it (many moms do and don’t realize it.), and tips for helping you heal without spending thousdands of dollars on surgery. We dive into some personal experineces as a hope for moms to feel comfortable knowing they are not alone and that some of things considered “normal” after child birth are actually not normal and there are inexpensive ways to heal your body. Their proprietary protocol helps women solve pelvic floor problems WITHOUT kegels or internal vaginal devices from the comfort of their own homes. You won’t want to miss it.

Please note we get very personal and you may not want to listen in front of your kids.