Episode #156: Education and Exposure for Building Generational Wealth with Dedric & Krystal Polite, founders of Polite Wealth and TV Stars on the Hit Series 50/50 Flip

Check out this week’s episdoe with power couple, Dedric & Krystal Polite, founders of Polite Wealth. They share how they are setting up their kids for financial success. They dive into their mindset around their marriage and building a business together as a couple and what they are teaching their kids to for a successful future. It’s not just about giving them a lot of money but rather about education and exposure to wealth principles they believe. Listen to their story and you will understand why they are a dynamic duo.

Episode #155: Life Lessons Learned from Climbing Mountains to Climbing To Reach Your Goals with Grace Vandecruze

Check out this week’s episode with the amazing Grace Vandecruze. Grace shares her lessons learned from climbing Mount Kilimanjaro and how to apply it to your own life journey. She has accomplished the unthinkable. If you want to be inspired, do something that is hard or soemthing you’ve been puttinging off, then you won’t want to miss hearing from Grace.

Episode #154: How to Overcome the Overwhelm with David Corsini, Business Advisor from The Potentialist

On this week’s episode I have the pleasure of bringing on David Corsini, Business Advisor from the Potentialist. David dives into the pscychology of overwhelm, what it is, how it hurst us and what we can do to move through it. If you often find yourself getting stressed and feel like your drowing, David gives guidence on how you can take your first next step. You won’t want to miss it.

Episode #152: How to Get Unstuck When Making a Major Life Decision with Nikki Nicholas

Check out this week’s episode with Nikki Nicholas, a life transformation coach, where we take a deep dive into the subconcious mind. Nikki and I have a real, honest conversation about overcoming mental blocks that keep us from making tough decisions about money, business and life. We role play exercises together to help guide other moms on ways to work on themselves. You won’t want to miss it!

Episode #149: How to Hack Your Brain to Make Savings Easier with Anne Lester, Author of Your Best Financial Life: Save Smart Now for the Future You Want

Check out this week’s episode with Anne Lester, author and Axiom gold medal award winner fo the best book on retirement planning. Anne disccusses different types of savers and spenders and tips on how to hack your brain towards savings. These easy steps can make a huge difference on your financial future. Anne just launcehed her new book Your Best Financial Life: Save Smart Now for the Future You Want.

Episode # 148: Why You Need a Mom Tribe and How To Create One to Reach Your Goals Faster with Brittney Fairweather and Trixy Castro from TRX Capital

In this week’s episode Brittney Faiweather and Trixy Castro, co-founders of TRX Capital share the importance of networking with other powerhouse women and how you can get started to achieve your goals faster. Being a mom is not easy as it is and being one with a busines or other demanding job can be really tough. The more you grow and sustain your tribe of warriors the more you can achieve beyond your wildest dreams. Tune in, you won’t want to miss it!