Connect with the Investor Mama Tribe

 Looking for ways to boost your income? Check out these resources to help you with your money journey

Gregg Murset Busy Kid- Investor Mama


Gregg Murset is the CEO of BusyKid, a Certified Financial Planner, and consultant who has become a leading advocate for sound parenting, child accountability, and financial literacy.  As a father of six, it was his idea to throw away the family paper chore chart and piggy bank to find a way to combine the chore chart with the technology his kids were using. For more than 20 years, Gregg has led a very successful personal insurance and financial services practice. A graduate of Arizona State University with a degree in finance, he has also earned multiple professional designations in his industry including CFP® – Certified Financial Planner, ChFC- Chartered Financial Consultant, CLU- Chartered Life Underwriter and REBC- Registered Employee Benefits Consultant.

Lightning Round

1. What is one fun fact about you that not that many people know?

I’ve made breakfast for our family for 26 years and I actually drove an RV with all eight of us, 10,000 miles around the country doing service for people in need for a month.

2. Who inspires you the most and why?

It’s my wife. She’s amazing. Uh, she’s literally the nicest person I know.

3. What books are you reading now or have read and loved that you’d recommend?

Die with Zero by Bill Perkins

4. What is one actionable tip or piece of advice that you can tell our moms out there to help them on their money journey?

It would be good for a mom is remember that nobody’s going to teach your kids about money like you can. Even if you’re not super good at it, you can learn with them and literally help them become independent.


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