Dawn Casey-Rowe


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Dawn’s Bio

Dawn is an author, former educator, and sustainability nut living in rural Rhode Island. She is a mom has two dogs, eleven chickens, and one goal: to grow her own food and get (mostly) off the grid—while still having high-speed internet.

She’s worked in insurance, restaurants, retail, taught martial arts, worked at a famous music library, run the art department at day camp, and supersized fries.  Dawn failed out of music school, fired herself from her own company to teach, then ended up working for a Silicon Valley startup by accident, asking, “Startup what?”

Dawn has written for or been featured in EdTech Digest, Edutopia, EdSurge, US News and World Report Money,  EdTech Review India, ConversationEd, TeachThought, NPR, Edweek, Quartz, and several other places, both in and out of education.

Dawn also wrote books:

  1. A Broke Teacher’s Guide to Success: How to Build Your Dreams on Teacher Pay
  2. Don’t Sniff the Glue: A Teacher’s Misadventures in Education Reform

Connect with Dawn

[email protected]




Dawn’s Last Appearance on the Investor Mama Podcast

Episode #8: A Teacher’s Story from Passion to Accidental Entrepreneur with Dawn Casey-Rowe

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