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 Looking for ways to boost your income? Check out these resources to help you with your money journey

Sarah Greener- Investor Mama


Sarah Greener is passionate about businesses – mostly small ones. For the past 7 years, Sarah has been helping busy, stressed, and overworked business owners transform their businesses and reignite the passion they had when they started out.

Growing up in a family that ran on business and a keen entrepreneurial spirit, gave Sarah a thorough grounding in the fundamentals. From there, she went on to own and run multiple businesses, in New Zealand and overseas. These ranged from retail through to e-commerce businesses, where she ran small to medium teams and dealt with the day-to-day operation. Each new business threw up different challenges as she thrived on the constant and never-ending improvement of each business.

Despite her natural business drive and knowledge, Sarah still made plenty of mistakes. But here’s the thing, there’s no learning or growth without mistakes. Eventually, she got caught up in the same game most business owners get into – where the passion they once felt for their business becomes all emotion and busy noise. She knows what it feels like to become overwhelmed by the ineffective activity of working in your business rather than on it, and she has helped many business owners exit that cycle.
Sarah enjoys providing actionable insights to audiences of all sizes to help them put into action immediate ways to strike that necessary balance and stop
the overwhelm.



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